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Exh. Bambi Brown

La Juridiction du Sud-Est CLGI

L'exhortatrice Bambi Brown est membre fidèle et missionnaire du Pavillon, CLGI, et elle a joué un rôle dans l'église en lançant diverses collectes de fonds. L'exhortatrice Brown a commencé à participer à la vente de Krispy Kreme Donuts & Dinners pour aider son département des missions local à lever des fonds pour l'église. Elle distribue des couvertures, des manteaux et des plateaux de nourriture aux sans-abri et a également aidé à créer des kits d'urgence pour les familles dans le besoin ou en raison de tragédies imprévues. Elle sert le petit-déjeuner tous les vendredis matin au Well Shelter et a collecté des articles non périssables en créant des boîtes de dons de produits en conserve qui ont été données au Sparrow Nest dans le cadre de leur programme de sensibilisation communautaire. De plus, l'Exhorter Bambi a participé à l'événement «J'aime Brunswick». Au cours de cet événement, l'exhortatrice Bambi a fait don de vêtements, servi de la nourriture, chanté, prié et lu les écritures bibliques comme un encouragement à ceux qui se sont arrêtés à sa table. Elle a également planifié un événement «Pizza Day» au Well Shelter où elle a servi des pizzas, chanté des chansons, prié et lu des écritures bibliques aux sans-abri pour les encourager. Comme nous le lisons dans St Jean 5:17, Jésus a toujours été trouvé en train de faire la volonté du Père, et nous, en tant que missionnaires, devrions toujours être trouvés en train de faire la volonté du Père. Tout ce que son église ou son département missionnaire a besoin, elle sera là pour aider


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Min Levera Frazier

The Southeast Jurisdiction CLGI

Minister Lavera Frazier is the eldest and only daughter of Pastor Edith and Bro. Michael Frazier. As the firstborn, Min Lavera Frazier is wise well beyond her years. You can ask her siblings, who will attest they often look up to and trust her advice. Through the Lord's leading, guidance, and direction, her parents joined the Church of the Living God, International (CLGI) in 1993. At that time, Min Lavera Fraizer was only six years old. As a new member, Min Lavera Frazier's immediate desire was to join the choir. At that time, young Lavera Frazier was elated when Elder Arlene Merriman called upon her to lead the song, "Where do you stand, Whose on the Lord Side?". Soon afterward, Minister Lavera Frazier realized that the Lord had a special calling upon her life. Min Lavera Frazier came home at six years old, stating, "the Lord told her she was not like the other kids and never will be," recalled her parents. The Lord certainly made quite an impression upon Min Lavera Frazier, which led her to faithfully accept her calling into the ministry at twelve years old. After high school, Minister Lavera Frazier attended Clemson University for two years. Then, Minister Lavera Frazier spent 1.5 years at Lander University. Minister Lavera Frazier would eventually graduate from Greenville Technical College with an associate degree in Science. Not satisfied, Minister Lavera Fraizer studied for and received her real estate license in December 2021. Still seeking to develop professionally and build upon her many talents, Minister Lavera Frazier went back to school to pursue a degree in Entrepreneurship in Business from Spartanburg University, where she will graduate in 2022. As a minister of the gospel, Minister Lavera Frazier seeks to edify, exhort, and encourage the saints through the word of God. Minister Lavera Fraizer is also an aspiring musician who taught herself to play the keyboard. Minster Lavera Fraizer commented that one of her desires is to become a skilled musician like Elbernita "Twinkie" Clark, an American gospel singer, songwriter, composer, record producer, musician, and evangelist. Minister Lavera Frazier enjoys and prefers to serve behind the scenes while doing the Lord's work. Minister Lavera Frazier has an ardent desire to see the church move forward by utilizing her skills, talents, and abilities to enhance every aspect of the church. She spends much of her free time working on various tasks such as building websites, how-to tutorials, developing the church's social media presence, and creating flyers. When called upon for her assistance and knowledge locally, jurisdictionally, and internationally, Minister Lavera Fraizer, without hesitation, freely avails herself to the Lord's work. Several of Min Lavera Frazier's most significant accomplishments include creating websites for the Southeast Jurisdiction and the International Missions Department. Min Lavera Frazier also designed a resource page for the Southeast Jurisdiction. The resource page contains a wealth of information to assist new churches in obtaining their Employer Identification Number (EIN) through a step-by-step process guide she developed. Additionally, Min Lavera Frazier provided detailed instructions for churches to establish an online presence via website designs and Goggle maps. Min Lavera Fraizer's efforts have been instrumental in assisting new churches to become more visible to prospective members. During the Southeast Jurisdiction last Leadership Conference, Min Lavera Frazier presented an in-depth how-to seminar on making our churches more visible to all SEJ Leaders through digital means. Min Lavera Frazier's tireless efforts considerably contributed to the Pavillions building fund campaign. Min Lavera Fraizer designed and launched a Go FundMe page for the Pavillion in 3 days contributing to the Pavillion's ability to raise over $10K in less than three weeks. Min Lavera Frazier's creative ability enabled her to transform the flyers in the Southeast Jurisdiction, substantially dramatically improving the presentation of our churches and departments to the local community. Lastly, Min Lavera Frazier also developed and gave a workshop entitled "Your Talents in the Ministry" virtually and in-person to the Church of the Living God missionaries. Minister Lavera Frazier seeks to inspire other missionaries to find their passion and utilize their unique skills to build up the Church of the Living God International. Minister Lavera Fraizer is a shining example of one growing up in the church and giving themselves wholly to the work of the ministry. Indeed, the Lord has great things in store for Minister Lavera Frazier. May the Lord reward Min Lavera Frazier tremendously for all she has done and continues to do to build up the Church of the Living God International.

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